These are some of our most asked questions. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with us
Q: What is the Honor Flight?
The South Plains Honor Flight is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that takes WWII, Korean, and Vietnam veterans on a 3-day all-expenses-paid trip to experience their service and war memorials erected in their honor to pay tribute to their fellow brothers and sisters in arms.
Q: What can I do to get involved?
We are always in need of volunteers to help with our various fundraisers through the year and would love to see you at our monthly meetings please contact @southplainshonorflight on Facebook to get our most up to date information on dates and times
Q: What can we expect on the flight?
We typically visit the WWII and Korean memorial, Marine Corps Memorial, Airforce monument, Vietnam Wall, Arlington National Cemetery where we witness the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown, Steven F. Udvar-Hazy space and science center, Marine Corps museum Navy Museum at the Navy Yard and a visit to the Capitol where we are lucky enough to get to sit on the House floor.
Q: How much does it cost? Who pays for the trip?
Veterans of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam veterans are all expenses paid, as the price of the trip increases, starting on the 2019 flight we will be bumping increasing the fee of Post-Vietnam Veterans Guardian fees to $750 or half that of the civilian guardian fee.
Flights are funded by donations from individuals, corporations, foundations, and other groups who wish to be an important part of honoring these heroes and recognize the need to get our veterans to see their memorial before it is too late. Civilian Guardians will pay $1500 and Veteran Guardians will pay $750.
Q: I did not directly serve in combat operations am I eligible?
Upon joining the military you signed a check up to and including your life for the defense of everything we hold near and dear today, even if you did not serve directly in combat operations you are eligible to go on the Honor Flight to pay tribute to your brothers and sisters in arms.
Q: How do I get an application?
Veteran and Guardian applications can be downloaded from our website and submitted via Email to southplainshonorflight.org or mailed to TSPHF P.O.Box 94787 Lubbock, Texas 79493 with a picture copy of a photo ID.
Q: How are Veterans chosen?
Preference is given to WWII veterans followed by Korean and Vietnam.
Q: Can spouses also go on the trip?
We are unable to accommodate spouses unless they are eligible veterans themselves. Guardians are required to be one generation removed from the veteran.
Q: Do veterans need to supply their own guardian?
No. A guardian will be provided for each veteran unless a family member has sent in a guardian application requesting to fly with a specific veteran (does not have to be a family member).
Q: When and where do I pay my $1,500 guardian fee?
Guardian fees are due once a guardian has been notified they are selected for the Flight. Fees may be paid by check or Credit Card.
Q: When will we know who has been chosen for the trip?
The Honor Flights are historically in late September to early October. Notifications are made approximately 30 days before the trip.
Q: What happens if I am not chosen for this Flight?
Our mission is to take as many veterans to visit the memorials built in their honor in Washington D.C. if you are not chosen for this flight your application will be kept on file for subsequent flights so you do not have to resubmit an application each year.
Q: Can a family member meet the Flight in D.C.
With preplanning, this can be done and is reviewed on a case by case basis. Family members that join us are considered Guardians and are expected to participate in the care of the Veterans.
Q: How do I get to the airport on flight day?
Information will be given at the Pre Flight Briefing the night before the trip.
Q: What form of identification is required to get through security at the airport?
Every person going on the flight must have some form of government-issued photo identification to get through security.
Q: What if I require a wheelchair?
WHEELCHAIRS – A number of our veterans require wheelchairs, our deluxe motor coaches are ordered based on how many require a wheelchair lift. We provide a wheelchair for each and every one of our veterans. Electronic wheelchairs are not permitted on the flight.
Q: When do memory books come out? Can I purchase more memory books for my family?
Memory books are provided to the Veterans and Guardians free of charge and are mailed in early December. Additional books may be purchased by family members, generally at the send off the night before the HF.
Q: How can my family keep in touch during the flight?
At many of our memorials as long as there is a decent cellular connection we will live stream the wreath laying at each of our stops, you can find this on Facebook @southplainshonorflight we will attempt to give updates before we go “live” if cell service does not allow us to stream directly from there we will upload videos as soon as we can.